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Revision as of 16:34, 5 March 2012

From The TF400Gateway To The CloudFaxGateway

SFR - Scan Folder Request
      7 Folder
AMR - Archive Message Request
      X Folder  
LAR - Log Audit Request
      214 AuditItem
IAR - Incoming Audit Request
      50 uniqueId
      14 receiveDate
      48 message
      40 callerid
      40 destination
      50 imagefile
      8  pages
      11 as400
TSR - Test Socket Request
FSU - Failed Status Update
      X Failed Status

From The CloudFaxGateway To The TF400Gateway

MQC - Message Queue Change
      7 QueueFile
      1 Type(MNQ,MOQ,QRU)

Reading the MOQ.txt

When the fax is queued to the cloud a file is created in the Queue directory to monitor it

eg C:\CloudFax400_Files\Queue\C0000277-208-moq.txt

Initially it contains one line:-


Once the CloudFax400 has queried this reference (TF0770320-05/03/12-16:11/32461), it will append any new updates to the file

For example

EP400P1<sep>0770320<sep>TF0770320-05/03/12-16:11/32461<sep>C0000279<sep>206<sep>EP400P1C Date=05032012161127,Attempt=0,Type=JobSubmit,StatusValue=13,Status=W,Description=Des...,Pages=0,Connect Time=0,CSI=ImpsCloud,Number=206,TryAgain= Date=05032012161141,Attempt=0,Type=JobSubmit,StatusValue=13,Status=R,Description=Mes...,Pages=0,Connect Time=0,CSI=ImpsCloud,Number=206,TryAgain= Date=05032012161200,Attempt=1,Type=JobDone,StatusValue=0,Status=S,Description= ok ...,Pages=1,Connect Time=0,CSI=ImpsCloud,Number=206,TryAgain=

This File is then handled by the following Routine in the TF400Gateway



The Gateway looks in the folder:-

D:\Program Files\TF400Gateway\TF400\Queue\ for fcq files. Each of these is a record of a message queued to the CloudFax400

eg, TF0770320-05_03_12-16+11-C0000279.fcq contains C0000279-206/0

The number after the / is the attempts that we've notified the as400 about so far (recorded attempts).

Associated Cloud File is \\grahamxp\c$\CloudFax400_Files\Queue\C0000279-206-moq.txt

Cloud File Contains <b>EP400P1<sep>0770320<sep>TF0770320-05/03/12-16:11/32461<sep>C0000279<sep>206<sep>EP400P1C

We then go through each line of the MOQ file comparing the Attempt number with the recorded attempts.



0< 0?



0< 0?

AssociatedCloudLine=date=05032012161200,attempt=1,type=jobdone,statusvalue=0,status=s,description= ok...


0< 1?



CachePacket=QRUEP400P1 0770320 C0000279 G05032012161259206

Private Sub ProcessMOQMNQFromFolderName(strFolder As String) in the TFRequestHandler

Public Function HandleFaxCloudQ(strFile As String) As Integer in the QueueManager