Configuring the http server for https using the keytool

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To create a keystore for the https server:-

keytool -keyalg RSA -genkey -validity 731 -keystore c:\\keystore

After this you can then create a self signed certificate:-

keytool -selfcert -validity 721 -keystore c:\\keystore

Now place the file keystore into the presence res directory.

In the httpconfig edit the following:-

<http-config httpenabled="true" httpsenabled="true" port="81" secureport="443">

Because we gave the name as impscloud, if we go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and edit this we can point it to a chosen machine:-

Then we can go to this page:-


Initially you will receive a warning, where you should choose "I Understand The Risks".

We can then select "Get The Certificiate" and then "Confirm Security Exception"

From now on, we shall receive the page as intended:-

It is also possible to generate your own .cer file that you can import into your machine so that chrome and ie will proceed without any warnings, although mozilla will still complain regardless.

To do this list the keys in your keystore using:-

keytool -list -v -keystore c:\keystore

keytool -export -alias mykey -keystore c:\keystore -file c:\presence.cer