Connecting To Access

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Database Connectivity > Connecting To Access

When connectiong to Access you can use the ODBC drivers

First create an odbc connection from Administrative Tools - Data Sources (ODBC)

Create a new DSN, give it a name and then browse to your mdb file.

After this you will see your newly created connection in the list of DSNs

Now you should create a new SQL Database Resource in Presence, with the following settings:-

Note, the driver class is sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver

The class sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver is part of the JRE so you should not have to import any external jars.

The connection url is jdbc:odbc:yourdsn

Hit test, to check the connection:-

You can then use this resource in the SQL node.

Database Connectivity > Connecting To Access