Custom Data Formatter Standard Option

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The Custom Data Formatter produces a tree-based text output based on the incoming Data Table. For example, consider the following table of data:

Name Country
Matt Pryor United Kingdom
Graham Roberts United Kingdom
Basil Prescott United Kingdom
Richard Knill United Kingdom
Lauris Cadey United States
Paul Rebane United States

From a glance at the data we can see that although the values for the name field are all unique, the country field is not. It would therefore make sense, when presenting this data, to provide sub-headers for the country field. So, let's suppose we wanted to create an output that looked something like this:

United Kingdom

Matt Pryor

Graham Roberts

Basil Prescott

Richard Knill

United States

Lauris Cadey

Paul Rebane

This situation lends itself to the Custom Data Formatter. To create a new Custom Data Formatter, right click on the task edit view and select "Insert New > Custom Data Formatter". You can give the data formatter a name to aid your Task design, then select the type of document...

Type of document to produce

This allows you to select a pre-defined document type. The type of document selected dictates the initial value of the root element and the tags suggested in the suggestion provider.

The available types are:

- Generic Document (no default text or suggestions are provided)

- HTML Document (a basic HTML template is used as the default text, and HTML tags are suggested)

- PDF Document* (a PDF template is provided, and PDF markup tags are suggested)

- WML Document (Wireless Markup Language, in case you are building a WAP site)

- XML Document (For XML documents, less advanced than using the XML Document Writer).

Iteration Tree

The Iteration Tree tells the custom data formatter how to iterate over values in the data column. For our example above we want the formatter to first iterate over the available countries, and then for each country list the people that live in that country.

The first thing to do is to therefore drag the "COUNTRY" column into the iteration tree, at the "Document Root" which will then look as follows:

Note that there are two branches created - one called "COUNTRY" and another called "/COUNTRY". These are the opening and closing branches.

Each branch of the iteration tree can have text associated with it. This is the text which will be outputted at runtime whenever a new value for that column is encountered. For our example we want to output a bold heading with the country name, like so:

This text is associated with the "COUNTRY" branch as we want it to go above the list of people for that country. If the text were placed in the "/COUNTRY" branch it would appear after the list, as this is the closing branch.

But we don't want to stop there. For each value of country we also want to produce a list of people associated with that country. So let's drag the "NAME" column into the tree as well - between the "COUNTRY" and the "/COUNTRY" branches:

So far so good. This will now produce the kind of result we're after. But we can improve it by making use of the opening and closing branches. Click on the "COUNTRY" branch (the header for the COUNTRY column), and change it as follows:

Note that we have added an opening <ul> tag, which is an HTML tag meaning that an unordered list will follow. We now want to change our NAME branch to include the <li> tag (list item):

Because we have an opening "<ul>" tag in the "COUNTRY" opening branch, we also need a closing tag to match. We need to put this in the closing ("/COUNTRY") branch text field, so click on this node and fill out the text area like so:

That's all we need to do. The final output will be something along the lines of:

See Also

Task Elements > Data Format Nodes > Custom Data Formatter Standard Option

CSV Writer | HTML Table Writer | Basic XML Writer | XML Document Writer
XSLT Processor | Padded Text Writer | Custom Data Formatter Standard Option | Custom Data Formatter PDF Option
Custom Nodes

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