FTP Upload

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FTP Upload Node

This Node instructs Presence to transfer one or more files to a remote server via FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

Possible uses include:

  • Synchronizing a remote website with the local filesystem
  • Moving files into a remote "drop folder" where another process handles them

Dragging an FTP Upload Node into your Task launches the FTP Upload editor:


The Editor is split into two tabs:

General Tab

Local File Location

This is the path of the local file that is to be transferred. It can be a static value (e.g. c:\myfiles\document.txt), a variable reference (e.g. ${myfile}) or a data table column reference (e.g. :var{FILENAME}).

If a data table column reference is used and multiple (distinct) rows are present in the data table, each variant value will be used as the basis of forming the filename. For example, consider the following datatable: