Rename File

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Revision as of 17:03, 10 February 2010 by Mattpryor (Talk | contribs)

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The Rename File Node causes a local or network file to be renamed or moved to a different location.

Original File

This is the file that is to be renamed. Enter a local file path or UNC.

Rename To:

This is the target name, i.e. the filename that the original will be changed to. If the directory is different to that specified by the Original File, the file will be moved.

Overwrite Existing Files

If the target name already exists, this will cause it to be deleted in order for the rename to take place.

Confirm File Operation

If the rename operation fails for some reason (e.g. if the target file exists and Overwrite is not enabled) this will throw an Exception and the Task will stop running.