Web Service Properties

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Revision as of 14:56, 30 June 2010 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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  • Alias This is the alias name for the Task, and is also the name of the Operation assigned to this Task in the Web Service Description.
  • Documentation Here you should provide any additional information on how this web service should be accessed and its purpose.
  • WSDL This is the location of the WSDL document that will describe this web service, relative to the URL of the Presence HTTP Server.
  • Sync Task Parameters Updates the incoming variables and data table to include exposed and required variables and data columns within the Task.
  • Task is active Uncheck this if you do not want the Web Service to be available immediately.
  • One Way If selected this Task will not be expected to return any output.
  • Input and Output Tabs These tabs allow you to specify the expected input variables and data columns, translated into message parts, and the output variables and data columns. Clicking the "Synch Now" button will automatically populate these tables with information from the Task itself.

Right-clicking on an input or output variable or column reference will display the following pop-up menu