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Specify the format parameter to change the output format.
To see the non HTML representation of the XML format, set format=xml.
See the complete documentation, or API help for more information.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allredirects arcontinue="Dynamic_Task_Calls|3545" />
      <r ns="0" title="Calculate Column Aggregate" />
      <r ns="0" title="Category" />
      <r ns="0" title="Communitcation between the AS400, CloudFaxGateway and the TF400Gateway" />
      <r ns="0" title="Configuring the http server for https using the keytool" />
      <r ns="0" title="Data Table" />
      <r ns="0" title="Database Resource" />
      <r ns="0" title="Decision Point Nodes" />
      <r ns="0" title="Deprecated Tasks" />
      <r ns="0" title="Document Locator" />
      <r ns="0" title="Drop Column Node" />