Create Graph

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The "Create Graph" Node has been replaced as of Version 3.6 (currently in testing stage) with a new interface. Please note that the new version is not compatible with the old version and so Create Graph Nodes built using the previous versions will need to be redesigned.

Graph Types

At present we provide the ability to create seven different types of graph, although we aim to increase this number in subsequent releases. These are:

  1. Standard Pie Chart
  2. Ring Pie Chart
  3. 3D Pie Chart
  4. Bar Chart
  5. Stacked Bar Chart
  6. Meter Chart
  7. Line Chart

Creating a Graph Node

To create a Graph Node, drag the "Graph Node" icon from the Actions Task Elements list into your Task view. You will then be presented with the Graph Node Editor:

Graph Type and Data

The first tab allows you to specify the type of chart you wish to create and to enter values for properties that are specific to each type. To select a type of chart click on the appropriate icon from the list on the left hand scroll pane. When a Chart type is selected the options available in the main panel will change, as will the in-line help section.

The next section of this document explains the options available for each chart type.

Pie Chart

This section covers the standard, ring and 3D pie charts (options are identical for each).

  • Label Series Column - The value for this should be a Presence data table reference - e.g. :var{labels}. If we consider a pie graph to consist of name / value pairs, the Labels series contains the names of the items.
  • Values Series Column - Again this should be a Presence data table reference - e.g. :var{values}.
  • Use simple labels? - If checked, labels appear on top of the pie slices instead of outside the pie, which is the default behaviour.
  • Include a legend? - If checked a legend will be displayed at the foot of the chart.
  • Explode Slices - This option allows you to automatically "explode" slices of the pie chart (see image below)

Which slices are exploded is determined by the Rules you attribute by clicking the "Set Explosion Rules" button. For example a rule which states :var{value} > 10000 will explode any slices which have a value of greater than 10,000.

  • Labels Format - Determines the format of automatically generated labels. Three special markers - {1}, {2} and {3} - represent the slice name (e.g. Scotland), the actual numeric value (e.g. 557) and the percentage of the total amount (including a percentage sign).