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Schedule Node

Schedules allow you to specify when a Task should run. This is useful for queued Tasks that need to run at certain times of day, certain days of the week, or certain days of the month - or combinations of these.

Schedule Nodes are re-usable. This means that you can create one Schedule Node (for example to run at 13:00 on Wednesdays) and use it in multiple Tasks.

To create a Schedule Node, first ensure that you have selected a Category other than the root (Presence) category. Right click in the "Flow Control" toolbox and select "Create New > Schedule" from the pop-up menu. Below are instructions for creating your Schedule.

Info Screen


Here you will be prompted to enter the following information:


This is a descriptive name for the Schedule. It may aid self-documentation to have the name offer a short description of the function of the Schedule - for example, "Run at 1PM Daily".

Start and End Dates

Do you want your Schedule to only operate between certain times? If so, select a Start Date and and End Date. Your Task will not run outside these dates. If you do not want an End Date, leave the checkbox labelled "Should the Schedule have an End Date?" unchecked.

Catch up Policy

This affects the behaviour of the Schedule the first time it is used within the context of a Task. If Catch Up is enabled, the Schedule will look for the last time that it should have run prior to the current time, and if a time exists it will run immediately before waiting for the next run time.

Basics Screen


This allows you to specify whether this Schedule should run daily, weekly or monthly. Depending on the option you select, you will be presented with a different display on the third panel (Timings).

These options are explained below:

Daily Option

The schedule will run on a specified time and date. You can then set the schedule to repeat after a number of specified days, or after a period of time has elapsed. For instance, daily schedules can be used for the following scenarios:

- At 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00

- Every other day at 14:30

- Every two days at 09:00 and 17:00

Weekly Option

Allows you to select the days of the week, then a time on which the schedule will run. Weekly schedules can be used for the following sample scenarios:

- Every Tuesday at 12:00 and 18:00

- Every other Wednesday and Friday at 14:00

- Every fourth Friday at 08:00 and 18:00